
Sunday, June 16, 2013


I just watched an awesome less-than-five-minute YouTube video on how to make fireworks in Photoshop CS5.  Ryan, of Operation Photoshop, who did the video sounds like he's maybe fifteen, but he is one of the best "Tutorial Teachers" I've heard yet.

I designed a couple Fourth of July cards last night ... they all involve eating lobster.  Our founding fathers did NOT eat lobster, as it was considered pauper's food.  Here is an excerpt form a fantastic article in Mother Jones Magazine:
"Indeed, it's no exaggeration to say that people were downright ashamed to eat lobster. “Lobster shells about a house are looked upon as signs of poverty and degradation,” wrote American observer John Rowan in the mid-19th century. Peddlers in Portland, Maine carried lobsters around in wheelbarrows, selling them on the street to working class Irish immigrants. In one Massachusetts town, a group of indentured servants became so upset at their lobster-heavy diet that they took their masters to court and won a judgment protecting them from having to eat it more than three times a week."

Quick!  Bury those shells in the backyard before the neighbors find out we've been eating ... lobster ... oh, the shame! Oh, and you'd better hide the butter wrappers, too."

I'll have all the new Fourth of July designs here on the blog as soon as they are approved by Greeting Card Universe.

You can find this card here
Best Regards!

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