
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

New Designs at Sober Notes!

To see the entire collection of Sober Notes, click here.

This notecard is a cute take on the critical principle of humility. Attributed to the late, much-loved, much-missed Jimmy B. from Manchester/Bolton.

Good heavens! One of the favorite recovery slogans of all time! A cute dog with a leash is way more appealing than a load of laundry or a sinkful of dirty dishes!

No explanation needed.

A cute message on the critical principle of humility... This phrase was coined by the late, but much loved, Jimmy B. from Bolton/Manchester
Ah! Been around the rooms for a while and need a little reminder of the horrors of our former lives? This card reflects the phenomenon of listening to a fellow sufferer tell their story when, suddenly, the grace of identification brings us back to "what it was like."

In early recovery, a lot of us thought this notion was stupid. As it turns out, it was the one brain activity missing in all our dealings with the day to day life of active alcoholism.